Vulkoprin renews its ISO 9001 accreditation
The Vulkoprin wheel team renews its ISO 9001 accreditation up to 2021.
Operational Excellence confirmed by extension of Vulkoprin as ‘Certified Supplier’ to Toyota Material Handling.
The first ISO 9001 certificate goes all the way back to 1995. Since then, the market, the customers and the Vulkoprin organization have all evolved significantly. Consequently, the processes too are constantly evolving. So now’s a good moment to have Bureau Veritas check whether the quality of the service processes is still ensured. With the extension of the ISO 9001 certificate until 2021, our ambitions of operational excellence are reaffirmed. Earlier this year, during the 5th TMHE Suppliers’ Conference, the appreciation, by Toyota Material Handling, of Vulkoprin’s quality and service, was indicated by an extension of Vulkoprin as ‘Certified Supplier’. Last year already, our environmental management skills were confirmed by extension of the 14001 certificate. Vulkoprin associates this certification (and the related awards) with core values regarding the well-being of its personnel, corporate social responsibility, the environment and sustainability:
1. The human person
Because (s)he is the fundamental element of society and constitutes the fundamental unit of change, the human person is key. We believe that his/her willingness to assume responsibility underpins qualitative research and scientific advancement and that their know-how and creativity is the company’s strategic tool. We want to appraise our employees’ talents and harness them, so as to increase their knowledge and to grow the business.
2. Society
We believe that the business grows best in a free market economy. Through ‘ethical entrepreneurship and a sense of public responsibility’, the company can shoulder its responsibility towards society and forge a win-win relationship with all stakeholders.
3. The environment
Out of respect for society, of which the company is a part, we are obliged to reconcile our economic activities with the legitimate demands of environmental protection. Issues concerning business activities having an ecological impact are governed by what is ecologically responsible, technically feasible and financially bearable.
4. The company
Free enterprise as a source of added value offers people the best opportunities for self-realization and gives them, as employees or shareholder, a fair and competitive remuneration. We should strive for controlled business expansion in order to be successful in the long term.
Download our new certificate here: ISO 9001:2015 certificate