High safety, less standstill and less maintenance
The customer is a theme Park (part of a larger group) at a popular holiday destination. The mix of fantasy, adventure and adrenaline comes with a variety of rides and attractions to appeal to every visitor.
The challenge
Coaster wheels must withstand high loads, high speeds, abrasion and deformation. High safety, less standstill and less maintenance are linked to the operational cost of a ride.
The Vulkoprin full pick up and rebonding service offers the ability to rebond existing worn wheels in order to preserve and reuse the existing wheel hub. Rebonding of existing wheels includes removing the worn material, cleaning and inspecting the hub and applying a new polyurethane tread.
Quality assurance is our top priority. Standard incoming and outgoing inspection procedures along with individual wheel marking for traceability, guarantee the safety of the Vulkoprin amusement ride wheels. As a manufacturer Vulkoprin can offer specialized technical advice and support.
The customer can rely on a very stable wear which allows to forecast a yearly budget and plan the maintenance ahead.
Vulkoprin is constantly looking for the optimal solution for each individual ride, taking into account safety, comfort, lifetime. To meet the high quality demands, a range of excellent materials has been developed. Our ISO 9001 certificate guarantees top quality and service.
Based on our computer models we can calculate load capacities, heat build-up, wheel dimensions… Our wheeltesting equipment
also provides us with valuable data to engineer the safest solution.
Vulkoprin supplies new and refurbished wheels.